Ready to Restore Your Health?
Autoimmune Commune is THE holistic autoimmune community you have been waiting for. Founder Lisa Lovely created Autoimmune Commune after her own holistic autoimmune journey and through years of supporting her clients with their holistic healing journeys. Lisa shows you it IS possible for you to heal from dis-ease. A beautiful journey is just a click away.

Maybe you feel...
I feel like an island.
I've tried everything.
I don't know what to do next.
I feel helpless.
Autoimmune Commune
I know you are seeking holistic solutions to address autoimmunity.
My people are not interested in being sick, sad, or reliant on pHARMaceuticals (neither am I) so I gathered wisdom and created the community I needed when I started my holistic journey.
Autoimmune Commune provides holistic education AND helps you adjust to your body.
Think classroom + guidance.
Be a student, not a patient.

Founding Members Will Build This Community With Me
Autoimmune Commune is the holistic autoimmune community you have been seeking. It’s time to take healing back into your own hands. Healing means restoring balance. We help you restore health and your quality of life through balancing 4 basic principles eat well, think well, move well, and sleep well. Restoring these principles can have a dramatic impact on your health.
We heal in community. No more isolation, no more disease. You are not diseased – you are in dis-ease: simply meaning not in ease. It’s time to tailor healing to your unique physiology.
Heal yourself AND help others heal.

"The tools and strategies I learned from Lisa help me create stability and handle what life hands me with more ease."

"I love how simple healing has become. Being able to put what I learned into practice right away was powerful."

"I learned how to not fear a flare because the body is telling us we need to change. I am empowered to heal myself."